Even though many individuals would like to switch over to solar energy simply because it is a good way to save cash and help the planet, many individuals think that this is just too expensive to do. You’re going to discover that there’s a lot of various kinds of costs involved if you decide to switch over to solar energy, but you should also comprehend that these costs can be reduced every once in awhile. On this page we’re going to be checking out some of the different expenses involved to switching to solar and also how you are able to save cash while doing this.
The first thing I want to point out is you can in fact invest in complete solar panel devices that will include almost everything you are going to need in order to get started. Even though they market these items as complete solar panel systems there is one thing you are still going to need to purchase separately and those are the batteries that are required to store the electricity. The volume of batteries you are going to need will be with regards to the size of the solar panel system you plan on constructing and the quantity of electricity you wind up using every day. The batteries run about $100 a piece, and you are going to want to make certain that you are purchasing deep cycle batteries, these can be obtained in an auto parts store.
While purchasing a whole system is a thing that can be extremely useful, often they are far more expensive than purchasing the items separately and you are able to spend upwards to $19,000 on one of these ready to go systems. If you want to purchase your solar energy panels separately you are going to find that you are able to purchase three or four, 100 watts each panel’s for about $1000. A solar panel system of three or four panels may have the ability of decreasing your electric bill substantially, and could in fact power a little home or mobile home for individuals who conserve their electricity. But if you have a four bedroom home and have four or five individuals living in your house, you may possibly find that you’ll need a larger solar panel system comprised of 10 or 20 solar energy panels.
A few other things you’re going to end up needing are a power inverter to develop household electricity and a charge controller in order to charge the batteries. Something I ought to point out is that I cannot actually supply you with a precise cost for a power inverter, because according to what size power inverter you need, will depend on how much you need to pay for the inverter.
When all is said and done it is going to run you anywhere between $1000 and $1500 to be able to set up a solar panel system that will contain three or four panels, the batteries along with other incidentals. You need to also remember that it may be very expensive if this is a thing that you have to have someone else install for you, and this would be an added expense on top of your initial investment.